Dec 21, 2009

It's Monday! What are you reading this week? #2

It's Monday! What are you reading this week? is a weekly event to celebrate what we are reading for the week as well as books completed the previous week. Feel free to join here in this weekly event, created by J. Kaye!

Last week I read:
- "Darkly Dreaming Dexter" by Jeff Lindsay
- "Dearly Devoted Dexter" by Jeff Lindsay
- "The Sea of Monsters" by Rick Riordan
- "The Titan's Curse" by Rick Riordan
- "The Battle of the Labyrinth" by Rick Riordan
- "The Last Olympian" by Rick Riordan
- "Caught in the Act" by Samantha Hunter
- "Artemis Fowl" by Eoin Colfer
- "Excavation" by James Rollins

My thoughts about the books:
I've been really big fan of "Dexter" the tv series & I've been planning to read the books, but I've been postponing it. I've finally decided to start reading them. "Darkly Dreaming Dexter" is the 1st book in the series & the tv series is based on it, so I already knew the main story from the 1st season, although there are differences, but I still enjoyed it & I liked it a lot. I loved the 2nd book "Dearly Devoted Dexter". I'm glad that they didn't make a season based on the story in this book, 'cause even reading about the victims (very detailed discription) was almost too much for me (and I'm not really squeamish - I'm not sure if this is the real word for what I wanted to say), but on tv will be really awful for watching. Anyway, I loved the book & I couldn't really leave it until I finished it!
I finally finished "Percy Jackson & the Olympians" series by Rick Riordan & I loved it! It was really interesting how the author put all those myths in the story & they worked fantastic & I liked it that when I recognized them even before their names are mentioned & I was thinking "Yes, this from Odyssey", etc... If I have to choose which book I loved the most, I guess that'll be the 4th "The Battle of the Labyrinth", than very close the 5th "The Last Olympian".
In "Caught in the Act" by Samantha Hunter, Gina Thomas is persuaded by her sister Tracy to help her steal photos of her & her lover from the divorce lawyer Mason Scott. So, Gina has to sneak into Mason's home & for the costume party she ordered a ghost costume, but instead she gets a sexy cabaret singer costume. When she goes to Mason's office to find the photos, she's caught by Mason & there's a fiery passion between them... But, what Gina doesn't know is that Tracy wants the photos back because her lover is actually a dangerous criminal, who when found out about the photos & threatened her to retrieve them or he'll kill her... I started reading this book in the beginning of the month & I liked it a lot, but I made a mistake & I didn't finish it right away & after that I just wasn't in the mood anymore for this kind of book & I couldn't make myself finish it.  I read romance books, but they're not my favorite genre, so if I'm not in the mood for them, I don't enjoy them as much as when I'm in a mood. So, when I finished this book last week, I didn't really enjoyed it, but that wasn't because of the book, but because of me. I just don't get into these books as easy as I get into thrillers, fantasy & adventure books. Overall, I think that if I finished it right away, I would like it a lot more...
"Artemis Fowl" by Eoin Colfer was really interesting book & I'll read the others too & I hope that they'll be as good & even better & better...
"Excavation" by James Rollins - I've read this book a few times over the years & I still love it. I actually re-read it now, because when I read "Subterranean" by James Rollins I loved it too & wanted to compare them both & decide which I like more. They're really close, but I think I like "Subterranean" more, although that's maybe because I read it only once & "Excavation" I've read it 4 or 5 times. I don't think I can say anything about the story in "Excavation", without ruining the story itself, although as I hint I can say that the title of this book in my country is changed & in english it'll be "The Temple of the Incas". So, if you're into adventure, for example: Indiana Jones, than this book is for you...

Last week I read usually at night before I fell asleep, so I always forgot myself & didn't really got much sleep, so because I'll probably won't have much time in the day & decided not to read at night, I guess I'll probably read one or maybe two books, but not more... I don't know what I'll read, but as always I'll choose something depending on my mood. Maybe I'll read a christmas book...

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!!!

Dec 17, 2009

The Countdown Challenge!

1. The goal of this challenge is to read the number of books first published in a given year that corresponds to the last digit of each year in the 2000s — 10 books from 2010, 9 books from 2009, 8 books from 2008, etc. The total number of books required, therefore, is 55.
2. This challenge lasts from 9/9/09 through 10/10/10.
3. Crossovers with other challenges are allowed and your lists may change at any time.
4. Sign up using Mr. Linky here.
5. Have fun reading!

I decided to join this one last challenge!

I'll list the books as I read!

  1. "Sinful Surrender" by Beverley Kendall - review
  2. "Random" by Craig Robertson - review
  3. "Firespell" by Chloe Neill - review
  4. "Knock Me for a Loop" by Heidi Betts - review 
  5. "The Truth About Lord Stoneville" by Sabrina Jeffries - review
  6. "Lois Lane Tells All" by Karen Hawkins - review
  7. "Desires of a Perfect Lady" by Victoria Alexander - review
  8. "Courting Miss Lancaster" by Sarah M. Eden - review
  9. "The Desert Spear" by Peter V. Brett - review
10. "On the Steamy Side" by Louisa Edwards - review

1. "Sleepless in Scotland" by Karen Hawkins
2. "The Laird Who Loved Me" by Karen Hawkins
3. "Feels Like the First Time" by Tawny Weber
4. "Caught in the Act" by Samantha Hunter
5. "The Last Olympian" by Rick Riordan
6. "Tangled Up in Love" by Heidi Betts
7. "Loves Me, Loves Me Knot" by Heidi Betts
8. "What I Did for Love" by Susan Elizabeth Phillips
9. "Heat Wave" by Richard Castle - review

1. "Talk of the Town" by Karen Hawkins
2. "Seducing Mr. Darcy" by Gwyn Cready - review
3. "The Battle of the Labyrinth" by Rick Riordan
4. "Aurelia" by Anne Osterlund - review 
5. "Romeo, Romeo" by Robin Kaye - review
6. "Save the Date" by Tamara Summers - review
7. "Devil May Ride" by Wendy Roberts - review
8. "Just the Sexiest Man Alive" by Julie James- review

1. "The Titan's Curse" by Rick Riordan
2. "Pyramid" by Tom Martin
3. "The Name of the Wind" by Patrick Rothfuss - review 
4. "Blame It on Cupid" by Jennifer Greene - review
5. "The Remains of the Dead" by Wendy Roberts - review
6. "The Electric Church" by Jeff Somers - review
7. "Leaving Paradise" by Simone Elkeles - review

1. "The Sea of Monsters" by Rick Riordan
2. "The Stone Rose" by Jacqueline Rayner - review
3. "Playing with Fire" by Gena Showalter - review
4. "Real Women Don't Wear Size 2" by Kelley St. John - review
5. "The Feast of the Drowned" by Stephen Cole - review
6. "The Warrior Heir" by Cinda Williams Chima - review

1. "The Lightning Thief" by Rick Riordan
2. "Dearly Devoted Dexter" by Jeff Lindsay
3. "Sex, Murder and a Double Latte" by Kyra Davis - review
4. "Good Girls Don't" by Kelley St. John - review
5. "Anansi Boys" by Neil Gaiman - review

1. "Darkly Dreaming Dexter" by Jeff Lindsay - review
2. "Mr. Complete" by Sheridon Smythe - review
3. "England's Perfect Hero" by Suzanne Enoch - review
4. "Fair Play" by Deirdre Martin - review

1. "The Cinderella Rules" by Donna Kauffman
2. "Can You Keep a Secret?" by Sophie Kinsella - review
3. "The Winter Queen" by Boris Akunin - review

1. "The Arctic Incident" by Eoin Colfer - review
2. "The Rake" by Suzanne Enoch - review

1. "Artemis Fowl" by Eoin Colfer

Dec 14, 2009

It's Monday! What are you reading this week? #1

It's Monday! What are you reading this week? is a weekly event to celebrate what we are reading for the week as well as books completed the previous week. Feel free to join here in this weekly event, created by J. Kaye!

Last week I read:
- "Seducing Mr. Darcy" by Gwyn Cready (for the Winter Reading Challenge)
  I liked this book. It was fun & enjoyable read. This was first book I've read by Gwyn Cready & I'll probably read "Tumbling Through Time", too.
- "Subterranean" by James Rollins
  I just loved this book! It's one of those adventure books that it's simply impossible to put down! This is 3rd book that I've read by James Rollins & is now one of my favorites!

Books I am currently reading:
- "Caught in the Act" by Samantha Hunter
- "Excavation" by James Rollins (re-read).

After I finish these, I don't know what I'll read! I'm always choosing the books depending on my mood!

Dec 11, 2009

What's in a Name? 2010 Chalenge 3

This challenge is hosted by Beth F! You can join this challenge here!

So here's how it works: Between January 1 and December 31, 2010, read one book in each of the following categories:
  1. A book with a food in the title: Clockwork Orange, Grapes of Wrath, The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society
  2. A book with a body of water in the title: A River Runs through It, Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters, The Lake House
  3. A book with a title (queen, president) in the title: The Murder of King Tut, The Count of Monte Cristo, Lady Susan
  4. A book with a plant in the title: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Wind in the Willows, The Name of the Rose
  5. A book with a place name (city, country) in the title: Out of Africa; London; Between, Georgia
  6. A book with a music term in the title: Song of Solomon, Ragtime, The Piano Teacher
The book titles are just suggestions, you can read whatever book you want to fit the category.

Other Things to Know
  • Books may be any form (audio, print, e-book).
  • Books may overlap other challenges.
  • Books may not overlap categories; you need a different book for each category.
  • Creativity for matching the categories is allowed.
  • You do not have to make a list of books before hand.
  • You do not have to read through the categories in any particular order.
  • There will be a single prize at the end of the challenge. Readers who complete the challenge and write up a wrap-up post (or wrap-up comment) are eligible. I'll figure out a way to make it international.
My Book List:
2. "Girl at Sea" by Maureen Johnson - review
3. "The Winter Queen" by Boris Akunin - review
4. "Lost in the River of Grass" by Ginny Rorby - review
5. "London's Perfect Scoundrel" by Suzanne Enoch - review

Dec 9, 2009

Chill Baby, Chill!

December 21, 2009 to March 19, 2010

1. Comment here with a link to your POST about the challenge - I'll get a participant list going.
2. read at least six books
3. comment with links to your reviews (if you review)
4. Just relax - read whatever you'd like or use this time to catch up on challenge books.
5. Do a wrap-up post at the end of March
6. Comment back here with your wrap-up link
Join this challenge here!

My Book List:
1. "Can You Keep a Secret?" by Sophie Kinsella - review
2. "Sinful Surrender" by Beverley Kendall - review
3. "Mr. Complete" by Sheridon Smythe - review
4. "Random" by Craig Robertson - review
5. "The Arctic Incident" by Eoin Colfer - review
6. "My Favorite Witch" by Lisa Plumley - review

2010 Pages Read Challenge Season 2

The rules are easy:

1) Pick a number of pages you'll be attempting to read in 2010. It doesn't matter whether your goal is 10,000 or 100,000. You can always up your number as we go along, so you don't need to go all up high with your page count.

2) Write a blog post about it in which you will keep track of your page count.

3) Comment here with your goal number and a link to your blog post (if you have a blog - otherwise, just leave a comment with your name and the goal number). I'll then add you to the list of participants below.

4) The challenge starts January 1, 2010 and ends December 31, 2010. Only pages read after the new year has begun count in for the challenge, but any and every page you read counts for this challenge. I don't care about re-reads, overlaps with other challenges, or e-books! Just count the pages you read, no matter what type of book you're reading :-) See, it's a really easy challenge!

5) As usual: Have fun!

Join this challenge here!

My goal is 50,000 pages in 2010!

10,474 of 50,000...

2010 Chick Lit Challenge

The Chick Lit Challenge 2010 runs from January 1 - December 31st. The goal is to read at least 8 chick lit books during the year. Books can be listed ahead of time or as you go along. Books can also be used for multiple challenges. Join this challenge here! Post your comments with the links of your reviews here!                                           
My Book List:
1. "Can You Keep a Secret?" by Sophie Kinsella - review
2. "Pride, Prejudice & Jasmin Field" by Melissa Nathan - review
3. "Romeo, Romeo" by Robin Kaye - review
4. "Save the Date" by Tamara Summers - review
5. "Sex, Murder and a Double Latte" by Kyra Davis - review
6. "Jemima J" by Jane Green - review
7. "Just the Sexiest Man Alive" by Julie James - review
8. "The Best Girl" by Emma Harrison - review

Contemporary Romance Reading Challenge 2010

Before I list the details, I do want to make one thing clear: by contemporary romance I mean straight contemporary, so without paranormal, fantasy or time-travel elements. Sexy, steamy contemporaries are eligible and so are category romances. (i.e. Harlequin Blaze, Harlequin Presents, Harlequin Super Romances, Silhoutte Desires, etc.)

1. Read at least 10 contemporaries between January 1st, 2010 and December 31st, 2010

2. You don't have to pre-select your books, you can just add them as you go. Even if you list them now, you can change the list if needed. Nothing is set in stone! Also, the books you choose can crossover into or from other challenges you are participating in.

3. Feel free to grab the button below for the sidebar of your blog. It would be great if you would link it back to this post so others can find their way back to this post and join the challenge.

4. If you decide to join this challenge be sure to create a post telling others and feel free to add a link back to this post so others can join in the fun.

5. I will be creating review posts where you can link your own reviews, but reviews are optional.

Join this challenge here!

 I'll list the books as I read them!

My Book List:
1. "Can You Keep a Secret?" by Sophie Kinsella - review
2. "Outside In" by Beverly Sommers - review
3. "Mr. Complete" by Sheridon Smythe - review
4. "Pride, Prejudice & Jasmin Field" by Melissa Nathan - review
5. "Fit for a King" by Diana Palmer - review
6. "Romeo, Romeo" by Robin Kaye - review 
7. "Too Hot to Handle" by Robin Kaye - review
8. "Breakfast in Bed" by Robin Kaye - review
9. "Knock me for a Loop" by Heidi Betts - review 
10. "Can't Stand the Heat" by Louisa Edwards - review

The 2010 Harlequin/Silhouette Romance Reading Challenge

1) Challenge is from Jan 1 to Dec 31

2) All of the books must be from the Harlequin family of imprints

3) Read one book for each requirement

Read 1 book with a weather condition in the title (i.e. storm, rain, snow)

2) Read 1 book with a person's name in the title (i.e. Mary, John)

3) Read 1 book with a title in the title (i.e. King, Prince, Princess, Sheik)

4) Read 1 book with a color in the title (i.e. red, blue, white)

5) Read 1 book by an author whose last name begins with the letter "R"

6) Read 1 book with an element in the title (earth, wind, fire, air, spirit)

Other information:
1) Please join the challenge by commenting with a link to your post (I'll start a participant blog roll)

A list is not necessary and may be changed at any time

3) Books can be in any format - paper, audio, ebook

4) Books may be used for other challenges

5) Go to eHarlequin for book information, anything you can purchase there counts for the challenge.

Join this challenge here

My Book List:
1. "Storm Watch" by Jill Shalvis
2. "Cody" by Kimberly Raye
3. "The Sheik and the Bought Bride" by Susan Mallery
4. "Black Ice" by Anne Stuart
5. "Hot Spell" by Michelle Rowen - review
6. "Playing with Fire" by Gena Showalter - review

18th & 19th Century Women Writers Reading Challenge

18th and 19th Women Writers Reading Challenge
Hosted by Becky of Becky's Book Reviews
Minimum 2 books;
All of 2010

Sign up by leaving a comment here.

Read books written by women authors that were written and/or published between 1700 and 1900. Contemporary historical books set in this time period do not count towards this challenge! The challenge is to encourage you to read some classics.

Here is a place where you can get ideas, but be careful, the list includes some authors who won't count. (The site lists authors based on when they were born. So on the 1801-1900 list, for example, you might find women authors who were born in this time but didn't begin writing and publishing their books until the twentieth century.)

Celebration of Women Writers 1801-1900
Celebration of Women Writers 1701-1800

Overlaps with other challenges allowed.

My Book List:
1. "North & South" by Elizabeth Gaskell - review
2. "Persuasion" by Jane Austen - review

I've been planning to read these 2 books for years, but never did, so lets hope that now I will!

Dec 8, 2009

Wish I'd Read That Challenge

This challenge is for all those books you wish you'd read. It might be Pride and Prejudice, War and Peace, a Nora Roberts Romantic Suspense, the Outlander series or a childhood classic Winnie the Pooh.

Challenge Guidelines:
1. Anyone can join. You don't need a blog to participate.
--Non-Bloggers: Include your information in the comment section. 
2. There are four levels:
-- Curious – Read 3 books.
-- Fascinated – Read 6 books.
-- Addicted – Read 12 books.
-- Obsessed – Read 20 books. 
3. Any book format counts. 
4. You can list your books in advance or just put them in a wrap up post. If you list them, feel free to change them as the mood takes you. 
5. Challenge begins January 1st thru December, 2010. Only books started on January 1st count towards this challenge. 
6. When you sign up under Mr. Linky, put the direct link to the post about the Wish I'd Read That Challenge. Include the URL so that other participants can find join in and read your reviews and post.
Join this challenge here!

I'll try the Fascinated level with 6 books!
My Book List:
1. "North & South" by Elizabeth Gaskell - review
2. "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte - review
3. "Little Dorrit" by Charles Dickens
4. "Tess of the d'Urbervilles" by Thomas Hardy
5. "Gone With The Wind" by Margaret Mitchell
6. "Persuasion" by Jane Austen - review

The 2nd Reading Challenge

Challenge Guidelines:
1. Anyone can join. You don't need a blog to participate.
--Non-Bloggers: Include your information in the comment section. 

2. There are four levels:
-- Curious – Read 3 novels that are 2nd in a series or second time you've read the author.
-- Fascinated – Read 6 that are 2nd in a series or second time you've read the author.
-- Addicted – Read 12 novels that are 2nd in a series or second time you've read the author.
-- Obsessed – Read 20 novels 2nd in a series or second time you've read the author. 
3. Any genre counts. 
4. You can list your books in advance or just put them in a wrap up post. If you list them, feel free to change them as the mood takes you. 
5. Challenge begins January 1st thru December, 2010. Only books started on January 1st count towards this challenge. 
6. When you sign up under Mr. Linky, put the direct link to the post about the 2nd Reading Challenge. Include the URL so that other participants can find join in and read your reviews and post.

The great thing about this challenge is that it's not just for your second in a series books, but the second time you've read an author as well. This encourages you to give authors another try if you haven't liked the book you've read or simply another excuse to read a book by an author you loved. Join this challenge here!

I'll try to reach the Fascinated level with 6 books that are 2nd in a series!

My List of Books I'm Planning to Read:
1. "The Lost City of Faar" by D.J. MacHale (2nd book in the Pendragon series)
2. "Eldest" by Christopher Paolini (2nd book in the Inheritance Cycle)
3. "The Desert Spear" by Peter V. Brett (2nd book in the Demon Trilogy)
4. "Sign of the Cross" by Chris Kuzneski (2nd book in the Payne & Jones series)
5. "The Magician" by Michael Scott (2nd book in the Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel series)
6. "Hinterland" by James Clemens (2nd book in the Godslayer Chronicles)

My List of Books I've read:
  1. "Too Hot to Handle" by Robin Kaye (Domestic Gods series) - review
  2. "The Turkish Gambit" by Boris Akunin (Erast Fandorin series) - review
  3. "Devil May Ride" by Wendy Roberts (Ghost Dusters series) - review
  4. "Lois Lane Tells All" by Karen Hawkins (Talk of the Town series) - review
  5. "Desires of a Perfect Lady" by Victoria Alexander (Harrington Brothers) - review
  6. "Something Reckless" by Jess Michaels (Albright Sisters series) - review
  7. "A Lady's Guide to Improper Behavior" by Suzanne Enoch (Adventurers' Club series) - review
  8. "The Desert Spear" by Peter V. Brett (Demon Cycle series) - review
  9. "On the Steamy Side" by Louisa Edwards (Recipe for Love series) - review
10. "A Most Sinful Proposal" by Sara Bennett (Husband Hunters Club series) - review
11. "London's Perfect Scoundrel" by Suzanne Enoch (Lessons in Love series) - review
12. "Monster Madness" by Dean Lorey (Nightmare Academy series) - review
13. "In Scandal They Wed" by Sophie Jordan (Penwich School for Virtuous Girls series) - review
14. "Fair Play" by Deirdre Martin (New York Blades series) - review
15. "The Wizard Heir" by Cinda Williams Chima (Heir Chronicles series) - review
16. "Tempting the Marquess" by Sara Lindsey (Weston Family series) - review
17. "Sweet Spot" by Susan Mallery (Bakery Sisters trilogy) - review
18. "Twice Tempted by a Rogue" by Tessa Dare (Stud Club trilogy) - review
19. "Changeless" by Gail Carriger (Parasol Protectorate series) - review
20. "Catching Fire" by Suzanne Collins (Hunger Games trilogy) - review

Winter Reading Challenge

This Challenge is the brain child of Diane from The Book Resort (aka The Moody Countess).
1. Read a book not set in the USA or England.
2. Read a book with “Ice”, "Frost", "Chill", "Cold" "Winter" in the title.
3. For Valentine's Day, choose an author whose first or last name begins with “L”.
4. Choose a book that is not part of a series.
5. Read a book written in the first-person point-of-view.
6. Read a book with “Mr”, “Mrs”, “Miss” or “Ms” in the title.

Challenge Guidelines:
1. Anyone can join. You don't need a blog to participate.
--Non-Bloggers: Include your information in the comment section.
2. You must read all six books to complete the challenge.
3. Any book format counts.
4. You can list your books in advance or just put them in a wrap up post. If you list them, feel free to change them as the mood takes you.
5. Challenge begins December 1st thru to February 28th, 2010.
6. When you sign up under Mr. Linky, put the direct link to the post about the Winter Reading Challenge. Include the URL so that other participants can find join in and read your reviews and post.
Join this challenge here
Post your reviews here!

My Book List:
1. "Angels in Exile" by Paskal Gilevski - review
2. "The Winter Queen" by Boris Akunin - review
3. "My Favorite Witch" by Lisa Plumley - review
4. "Subterranean" by James Rollins - review
5. "Darkly Dreaming Dexter" by Jeff Lindsay - review
6. "Seducing Mr. Darcy" by Gwyn Cready - review

2010 TBR Challenge

For this challenge you should…
- Pick 12 books – one for each month of the year - that you’ve been wanting to read (that have been on your “To Be Read” list) for 6 months or longer, but haven’t gotten around to.
- OPTIONAL: Create a list of 12 “Alternates” (books you could substitute for your challenge books, given that a particular one doesn’t grab you at the time)
- Then, starting January 1, read one of these books from your list each month, ending December 31 (for more information, please read the challenge FAQs)

Additional rules/guidelines for this challenge:
* the challenge is to read 12 TBR books in 12 months — you can read those all in one month if you want, or one a month, or however you wanna do it.
* you should have a list posted somewhere for others to see
* you CANNOT change your list after January 1st, of the current year!!!
* you can create an Alternates list of MAXIMUM 12 books, if you want, in order to have options to choose from (you can read these in place of books on your original list).
* audiobooks and e-books ARE allowed
* re-reads are NOT allowed, as they aren’t TRUE “TBRs”
* you CAN overlap with other challenges
* OPTIONAL: you can join the Yahoo! Group created for participants of the TBR Challenge, if you want to have a place to keep your list, or just to share with others about how you’re doing!
Join this challenge on January 1st here!

My TBR list:
  1. "Storm Front" by Jim Butcher - review
  2. "The Lost City of Faar" by D.J. MacHale
  3. "Deep Fathom" by James Rollins
  4. "The Alchemyst" by Michael Scott
  5. "Eldest" by Christopher Paolini - review
  6. "Wit'ch Fire" by James Clemens
  7. "Swan Song" by Robert R. McCammon
  8. "American Gods" by Neil Gaiman
  9. "Everlost" by Neal Shusterman - review
  10. "A Darkness Forged in Fire" by Chris Evans
  11. "The Name of the Wind" by Patrick Rothfuss - review
  12. "The Name of the Rose" by Umberto Eco
    My alternates list:
    1. "Neverwhere" by Neil Gaiman - review
    2. "Black and White" by Jackie Kessler and Caitlin Kittredge
    3. "North & South" by Elizabeth Gaskell - review
    4. "And Then He Kissed Me" by Patti Berg
    5. "Dead Witch Walking" by Kim Harrison
    6. "The Demon's Lexicon" by Sarah Rees Brennan
    7. "The Library of Shadows" by Mikkel Birkegaard
    8. "Raven's Gate" by Anthony Horowitz
    9. "The Seven Ancient Wonders" by Matthew Reilly
    10. "The Warrior Heir" by Cinda Williams Chima - review
    11. "City of Bones" by Cassandra Clare - review
    12. "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins - review

    New Authors Challenge 2010

    The idea behind this is to find new authors that you’ve never tried before.  They can be in your genre of choice or be brave and try something new.  You never know what you’re going to like until you try it.  If you’re looking for some suggestions, you can check out the Author page here at Literary Escapism or the 2009 Challenge page.

    Here are the guidelines:
    1. The challenge will run from January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010.
    2. Since this is an author challenge, there is no restriction on choosing your novels. They can definitely be from other challenges. However, the authors must be new to you and, preferably from novels.  Anthologies are a great way to try someone new, but only a third of your new authors can be from anthologies.
    3. I want this to be an easy challenge, so you can pick to do either 15, 25 or 50 new authors.  It all depends on how fast you read and how adventurous you want to be.  For me, I’m trying another 50 new authors.  If you reach your goal halfway through the year, don’t stop.  Any new author you try can be added to Mr. Linky.  We all want to know about your new experience.
    4. After reading your new author, write your review and then come back here and add your link to Mr. Linky.  Make sure you include your name and the author, but adding the title is completely up to you. 
    5. Bloggers or Non-Bloggers alike are welcome
    Once you reach your goal, you don’t have to stop.  Any new author you try, go ahead and head back here and add it to the list.  Introduce us all to whoever you find.  Afterall, there’s no reason to stop trying new authors, right? Join this challenge here!

    I'll try to reach 50 new authors! I'll list them as I read them!

    My List:
      1. Sophie Kinsella - review
      2. Beverly Sommers - review
      3. Beverley Kendall - review
      4. Sheridon Smythe - review
      5. Craig Robertson - review 
      6. Jacqueline Rayner - review
      7. Anne Osterlund - review
      8. Anna Katherine - review
      9. Michelle Rowen - review
    10. Boris Akunin - review
    11. Melissa Nathan - review
    12. Lisa Plumley - review
    13. Diana Palmer - review
    14. Robin Kaye - review 
    15. Patrick Rothfuss - review
    16. Chloe Neill - review
    17. Tamara Summers - review
    18. Kyra Davis - review
    19. Louisa Edwards - review 
    20. Jennifer Ashley - review
    21. Jane Green - review
    22. Bree Despain - review
    23. Jennifer Greene - review
    24. Rachael King - review
    25. Wendy Roberts - review
    26. Sarah M. Eden - review
    27. Meg Cabot (as Jenny Carroll) - review
    28. Lisa Mantchev - review
    29. Kelley St. John - review
    30. Sarah MacLean - review
    31. Julie James - review
    32. Jennifer Crusie - review
    33. Sarah Lindsey - review
    34. Simone Elkeles - review
    35. Gail Carriger - review
    36. Aprilynne Pike - review
    37. Gena Showalter - review
    38. Lori Borrill - review
    39. Jeff Somers - review
    40. Emma Harrison - review
    41. Irene Peterson - review
    42. Kristan Higgins - review
    43. James Dashner - review
    44. Julie Berry - review
    45. Debbi Rawlins - review
    46. Sara Bennett - review
    47. Dean Lorey - review
    48. Douglas Adams - review
    49. Julia Quinn - review
    50. Rachel Hawkins - review
    51. Orson Scott Card - review
    52. Mary Kay Andrews - review
    53. Sophie Jordan - review
    54. Tessa Dare - review
    55. Terrance Dicks - review
    56. Vicki Lewis Thompson - review
    57. Kimberly Derting - review
    58. Becca Fitzpatrick - review
    59. Stephen Cole - review
    60. Deirdre Martin - review
    61. Kami Garcia - review
    62. Margaret Stohl - review
    63. Martin Day - review
    64. Laurie Brown - review
    65. Douglas Preston - review
    66. Mario Spezi - review
    67. Cinda Williams Chima - review
    68. Courtney Summers - review
    69. Alex Flinn - review
    70. Kristin Cashore - review
    71. Michael Reaves - review
    72. Janni Lee Simner - review
    73. Isabel Sharpe - review
    74. Neal Shusterman - review
    75. Jessica Beck - review
    76. Suzanne Collins - review
    77. Scott Westerfeld - review
    78. Jenna McKnight - review
    79. Catherine Fisher - review
    80. Stieg Larsson - review
    81. Nancy Warren - review
    82. Jessica Day George - review
    83. Karen Rose - review 
    84. Gayle Callen - review
    85. Terry Pratchett - review
    86. Elizabeth Scott - review
    87. Susane Colasanti - review
    88. Lauren Barnholdt - review
    89. Libba Bray - review
    90. Maureen Johnson - review
    91. Cassandra Clare - review
    92. Sarah Mlynowski - review
    93. Claudia Gray - review
    94. Heather Wardell - review
    95. Elizabeth Hoyt - review
    96. Jonathan Maberry - review
    97. Alane Ferguson - review
    98. Thomas Blackthorne - review
    99. Charlotte Bronte - review
    100. Kiersten White - review
    101. Victoria Laurie - review
    102. Elizabeth Bevarly - review
    103. Aliette de Bodard - review
    104. MaryJanice Davidson - review
    105. Nick Valentino - review
    106. Eden Maguire - review
    107. Stacia Kane - review
    108. Brenna Yovanoff - review
    109. Rick Yancey - review
    110. Jana DeLeon - review
    111. Tia Nevitt - review
    112. Carolyn MacCullough - review
    113. Dale R. Cozort - review
    114. Donna Andrews - review
    115. C. S. Lewis - review
    116. Lois Lowry - review
    117. Markus Zusak - review
    118. Ginny Rorby - review
    119. Kersten Hamilton - review
    120. Lisa Kleypas - review
    121. Mary Higgins Clark - review
    122. Isaac Marion - review
    123. Kaye Dacus - review
    124. Conrad Wesselhoeft - review
    125. A. J. Whitten - review
    126. Suzanne Brockmann - review
    127. Henning Mankell - review
    128. Annalisa Daughety - review
    129. Lisa Cach - review
    130. Lynsay Sands - review
    131. Claudia Dain - review
    132. Lori Foster - review
    133. Karen Kelley - review
    134. Dianne Castell - review
    135. Gemma Bruce - review
    136. Janice Maynard - review
    137. Diana Wynne Jones - review
    138. Carrie Karasyov - review
    139. Jill Kargman - review
    140. Elizabeth Gaskell - review
    141. Alexandra Potter - review

    101 Fantasy Reading Challenge (Updated)

    I decided to join The 101 Fantasy Reading Challenge, because on the list of the 101 of the Best Fantasy Books, are lots of books that I was planning to read or re-read!

    The rules for this challenge are:
    1. Pick the number of books you want to read. It can be a mixture of the top 101, and/or the whole list. For example, you might want to aim to read 5 from the top 101 and 5 from the rest of the list.
    2. Create a list of the books you want to tackle. You can create a list now, or add them as you go. Completely up to you.
    3. The challenge runs from 10/10/09 to 10/10/10.
    4. Please post the direct link to your 101 Fantasy Reading Challenge post. (so that other participants can visit and see what you are reading)

    This challenge now is hosted by Michelle at The True Book Addict & has its own dedicated site, so if you want to join, sign up again HERE!

    Post your reviews HERE

    This challenge is now perpetual, so I updated my list with all the books I'd like to read that are on the complete list of books HERE!

    My List of Books I plan to read:
    1. "The Hobbit" by J.R.R. Tolkien
    2. "The Fellowship of the Ring" by J.R.R. Tolkien
    3. "The Two Towers" by J.R.R. Tolkien
    4. "The Return of the King" by J.R.R. Tolkien
    5. "The Eye of the World" by Robert Jordan
    6. "A Game of Thrones" by George R. R. Martin
    7. "A Wizard of Earthsea" by Ursula K. Le Guin
    8. "Sunshine" by Robin McKinley
    9. "Eragon" by Christopher Paolini (re-read)
    10. "Eldest" by Christopher Paolini
    11. "City of Bones" by Cassandra Clare
    12. "City of Ashes" by Cassandra Clare
    13. "City of Glass" by Cassandra Clare
    14. "Dead Witch Walking" by Kim Harrison
    15. "Harry Potter & the Philosopher's Stone" by J.K. Rowling (re-read)
    16. "Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets" by J.K. Rowling (re-read)
    17. "Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban" by J.K. Rowling (re-read)
    18. "Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire" by J.K. Rowling (re-read)
    19. "Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix" by J.K. Rowling (re-read)
    20. "Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince" by J.K. Rowling (re-read)
    21. "Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows" by J.K. Rowling (re-read)
    22. "Mistborn" by Brandon Sanderson
    23. "Cast in Shadow" by Michelle Sagara
    24. "Poison Study" by Maria V. Snyder
    25. "Magic Study" by Maria V. Snyder
    26. "Fire Study" by Maria V. Snyder
    27. "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins
    28. "Ender's Game" by Orson Scott Card
    29. "The Chronicles of Narnia" by C.S. Lewis - read 1-3
    30. "Good Omens" by Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett
    31. "The Lightning Thief" by Rick Riordan
    32. "The Sea of Monsters" by Rick Riordan
    33. "The Titan's Curse" by Rick Riordan
    34. "The Battle of the Labyrinth" by Rick Riordan
    35. "The Last Olympian" by Rick Riordan
    36. "The Alchemyst" by Michael Scott
    37. "Storm Front" by Jim Butcher - review
    38. "Fool Moon" by Jim Butcher
    39. "Grave Peril" by Jim Butcher
    40. "The Painted Man" by Peter V. Brett (re-read)
    41. "The Graveyard Book" by Neil Gaiman (re-read)
    42. "American Gods" by Neil Gaiman
    43. "Neverwhere" by Neil Gaiman
    44. "Anansi Boys" by Neil Gaiman
    45. "Coraline" by Neil Gaiman
    46. "Artemis Fowl" by Eoin Colfer 
    47. "The Arctic Incident" by Eoin Colfer - review
    48. "The Eternity Code" by Eoin Colfer
    49. "The Opal Deception" by Eoin Colfer
    50. "The Lost Colony" by Eoin Colfer
    51. "The Time Paradox" by Eoin Colfer
    52. "A Darkness Forged in Fire" by Chris Evans
    53. "The Name of the Wind" by Patrick Rothfuss - review
    54. "Assassin's Apprentice"by Robin Hobb
    55. "The Way of Shadows" by Brent Weeks
    56. "Shadow's Edge" by Brent Weeks
    57. "Beyond the Shadows" by Brent Weeks
    58. "Ship of Magic" by Robin Hobb
    59. "Dead Until Dark" by Charlaine Harris
    60. "Fool's Errand" by Robin Hobb
    61. "Howl's Moving Castle" by Diana Wynne Jones
    62. "Castle in the Air" by Diana Wynne Jones
    63. "House of Many Ways" by Diana Wynne Jones
    64. "Trickster's Choice" by Tamora Pierce
    65. "The Amulet of Samarkand" by Jonathan Stroud
    66. "The Golem's Eye" by Jonathan Stroud
    67. "Ptolemy's Gate" by Jonathan Stroud
    68. "Northern Lights" by Philip Pullman
    69. "Vampire Academy" by Richelle Mead
    70. "Storm Born" by Richelle Mead
    71. "Succubus Blues" by Richelle Mead
    72. "Stardust" by Neil Gaiman - review
    73. "Eyes Like Stars" by Lisa Mantchev
    74. "Wings" by Aprilynne Pike
    75. "Graceling" by Kristin Cashore 
    76. "Magic Bites" by Ilona Andrews
    77. "Magic Burns" by Ilona Andrews
    78. "Magic Strikes" by Ilona Andrews
    79. "A Great and Terrible Beauty" by Libba Bray
    80. "Rebel Angels" by Libba Bray
    81. "The Sweet Far Thing" by Libba Bray
    82. "Moon Called" by Patricia Briggs
    83. "Blood Bound" by Patricia Briggs
    84. "Iron Kissed" by Patricia Briggs
    85. "Bone Crossed" by Patricia Briggs
    86. "The Fairy Tale Detectives" by Michael Buckley
    87. "Glass Houses" by Rachel Caine
    88. "Enchantment" by Orson Scott Card
    89. "The Alchemyst" by Paolo Coelho
    90. "The Book of Lost Things" by John Connolly
    91. "Skin Deep" by Mark Del Franco
    92. "Unshapely Things" my Mark Del Franco
    93. "Unquiet Dreams" by Mark Del Franco
    94. "Unfallen Dead" by mark Del Franco
    95. "Nightwalker" by Jocelynn Drake
    96. "The Neverending Story" by Michael Ende
    97. "Halfway to the Grave" by Jeaniene Frost
    98. "The Summoning" by Kelley Armstrong
    99. "Daughter of the Blood" by Anne Bishop
    100. "Shadow Game" by Christine Feehan
    101. "Magic in the Wind" by Christine Feehan
    102. "Evernight" by Claudia Gray
    103. "Something from the Nightside" by Simon R. Green
    104. "Guilty Pleasures" by Laurell K. Hamilton
    105. "Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs" by Molly Harper
    106. "Personal Demons" by Stacia Kane
    107. "Demon Inside" by Stacia Kane
    108. "The Strangely Beautiful Tale of Miss Percy Parker" by Leanna Renee Hieber
    109. "Fantasy Lover" by Sherrilyn Kenyon
    110. "The Gunslinger" by Stephen King
    111. "Ella Enchanted" by Gail Carson Levine
    112. "The Lies of Locke Lamora" by Scott Lynch
    113. "The Iron Hunt" by Marjorie M. Liu
    114. "Wondrous Strange" by Lesley Livingston
    115. "Wicked Lovely" by Melissa Marr
    116. "Ink Exchange" by Melissa Marr
    117. "Fragile Eternity" by Melissa Marr
    118. "Life of Pi" by Yann Martel
    119. "Beyond the Highland Mist" by Karen Marie Moning
    120. "Darkfever" by Karen Marie Moning
    121. "Urban Shaman" by C.E. Murphy
    122. "Evermore" by Alyson Noel
    123. "Blue Moon" by Alyson Noel
    124. "Nation" by Terry Pratchett
    125. "The Colour of Magic" by Terry Pratchett
    126. "Northern Lights a.k.a. The Golden Compass" by Philip Pullman
    127. "The Subtle Knife" by Philip Pullman
    128. "The Amber Spyglass" by Philip Pullman
    129. "The Hunter" by L.J. Smith
    130. "The Chase" by L.J. Smith
    131. "The Kill" by L.J. Smith
    132. "Lament: The Faerie Queen's Deception" by Maggie Stiefvater
    133. "My Soul to Take" by Rachel Vincent
    134. "Stray" by Rachel Vincent
    135. "Prophecy of the Sisters" by Michelle Zink 

    The books that are in yellow I've read for the challenge!