Oct 9, 2010

Dewey's Read-a-Thon: Update #3

Title of book(s) I'm currently reading: 
Thomas Riley by Nick Valentino

Title of book(s) read since my last update: 


Undead and Unwed by MaryJanice Davidson

Total number of books read since I started: 1

Pages read since my last update: 126

Total number of pages read since I started: 418

Time spent reading since my last update: 1 h 31 min

Total amount of time spent reading since I started: 5 h 51 min

Mini-challenges I completed: 2
- Hour 1 

- Hour 2: Back-in-the-Day Children's Book Mini-Challenge


  1. Twist and shout your spirit knocks me out!

    Looks like you're hangin in there. Hope you are having fun!

  2. Let books be your dining table,
    And you shall be full of delights
    Let them be your mattress
    And you shall sleep restful nights.
