Sep 21, 2014

Tackle Your TBR Read-a-Thon: Wrap Up!

The Tackle Your TBR Read-a-Thon was hosted by Tressa @ Wishful Endings.
This was a fun read-a-thon, which helped me make a tiny dent in my TBR pile, as well as catch up on a few of my series. I also managed to complete my goals.


My achievements:

- read 3 full-length novels;
- finished 1 previously started novel;
- read 2 novellas;
- read 2 short stories;
- I also participated in 6 of the challenges.

So, I'd call this a success!

As for what exactly I read:

I tracked my read-a-thon progress HERE!
 Now, I need to catch up on my reviews, and I'll definitely participate again next year!


  1. Whoa, you've read so many books. Congrats! :) I felt kind of slumpy and I haven't read so much but you can check out my wrap-up post:

  2. Sounds like you had an awesome read-a-thon!! Good job. I didn't do any of the challenges... I was too busy reading or daily tasks. Here's a link to my wrap up post:

  3. Yay! I'll join again next year and hopefully read as much as you did :) Congrats!

  4. You did great congrats!

  5. You read some of my favorite series - Lunar Chronicles. I need to read those shorts. You did great! So glad you joined us!!

  6. Ahhh, Cress! I'm trying to hold off on reading that until it's closer to Winter's release.

    You read a lot, good job!
