Jun 22, 2014

"The Ghost Box" by Catherine Fisher

Title: The Ghost Box

Author: Catherine Fisher

Publisher: Stoke Books

Publication date: May 1st, 2012

My rating: 3 of 5

(Read on June 21st, 2014, from the review copy received from the publisher via NetGalley, in exchange of an honest review.) 


A young girl must unlock the secret to a mysterious box to protect herself from an unwanted visitor. 

Thrilling ghost story.

My Thoughts on the Book:

The Ghost Box is one interesting children's ghostly story. There's a girl - Sarah, and there's a ghost (of course), and there's a box (obviously), and there's a mystery. That's all I'm going to say about it. Anything more, it will be full of spoilers, especially because The Ghost Box is a shorter read.

I really enjoyed the writing style. Even though I personally didn't find the story eerie (because I'm an adult), it set the mood of the story almost perfectly, and I know that the children will find it eerie enough & mysterious enough, and have fun with this mysterious ghostly tale. I know I did, despite not finding it scary, I really enjoyed it.

If you or your children enjoy ghostly stories, I recommend The Ghost Box!



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