Sep 27, 2012

What's Next? #12

What's Next? is a weekly meme hosted by IceyBooks.

Every Thursday, select 3-5 books (not too many, not too little!) that you want to read but can't decide which one to read first.
Post the cover, and if you want, the synopsis or even a random line from the book, for each of your selections.
At the end of your post, ask readers to vote on which one you should read next!

Even if you don't end up reading your readers' top choice, you'll know what the majority is excited for.
For more info, visit the introduction post HERE!

To participate, go HERE!

My picks this week are:

Season for Surrender by Theresa Romain

Honor Among Rogues 

Alexander Edgeware, Lord Xavier, has quite a reputation—for daring, wagering, and wickedness in all its delightful forms. But the wager before him is hardly his preferred sport: Xavier must persuade a proper young lady to attend his famously naughty Christmas house party—and stay the full, ruinous two weeks. Worse, the lady is Louisa Oliver, a doe-eyed bookworm Xavier finds quite charming. Yet to refuse the challenge is impossible—he will simply have to appoint himself Miss Oliver’s protector…

Mischief Among Misses 

Louisa knows her chance for a husband has passed. But she has no desire to retire into spinsterhood without enjoying a few grand adventures first. When Lord Xavier’s invitation arrives, Louisa is more intrigued than insulted. And once inside the rogues’ gallery, she just may have a thing or two to teach her gentlemen friends about daring…


  How to Marry a Warlock in 10 Days by Saranna DeWylde

Got Warlock?

Middy Cherrywood does. She’s got more warlock than she can hex with Dred Shadowins. He isn’t just a billionaire playboy and Weekly Warlock centerfold. He’s a spy for the High Chancellor, and he convinces Middy to pose as his fiancée for his latest mission. Too bad no one told his mother before she slipped Middy a potion that will make their sham engagement all too real in just ten days.

Dred Shadowins already has his hands full with cursed objects, possessed nuns, and dreams where Merlin makes him pay for taking his name in vain by relating his sexcapades with Nimue. But by the end of the mission, he’s convinced his most difficult challenge is the hero’s cape Middy’s draped over his shoulders. Because he wants nothing more than to give her the one thing he may not be capable of providing: Happily Ever After.

The Wrangler by Lindsay McKenna

After Wall Street collapses, investment banker Griff McPherson trades in his suits and ties for Stetsons and cowboy boots. He returns to the Wyoming ranch he co-owns with his brother, but it's not exactly a happy homecoming. So to prove to everyone, including himself, that that he belongs back in Jackson Hole, he takes a post as a wrangler on another ranch. 

Air force lieutenant Val Hunter has just returned to the Bar H ranch to help her ailing grandmother run the property. While it is full of unhappy memories, Val is determined to do right by her home. Her new hire is easy on the eyes and a tough wrangler to boot, yet her instincts make it hard for her to trust him. When a nefarious neighbor endangers her land, Val is forced to accept Griff's help—but will she finally be able to open her heart?

So, what do you think, which one of these novels I should read next?

Have you read any of these & did you enjoy it?

Leave me a comment & help me decide!


  1. How to Marry a Warlock in 10 Days. I woule love to know what you think of it. :)
    Cherie Reads

  2. My vote goes to How to marry a warlock in ten days, looks like a fun read!

    Kristin @ Young Adult Book Haven

  3. How To Marry A Warlock In 10 Days gets my vote. :)

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever

  4. I'm going to have to say the same as the others: How to Marry a Warlock in 10 Days.

    I'd appreciate a vote on mine!

  5. How to Marry A Warlock in 10 Days looks like an AMAZING book!! Read that next!! Here is my What's Next


  6. How to Marry A Warlock looks great..its still a little to early for Christmasy books.
