Once again, it's time for Dewey's 24-Hour Read-a-Thon.
As always, the read-a-thon for me starts at 2 pm on Saturday, and ends at 2 pm on Sunday.
And this will be my 13th time participating.
As for my plans, I just hope to read as much as I can & as long as I can. I have some snacks ready (ok, I admit, I already sampled some of the homemade ones, and they're delicious), and I'll read whatever I pick up at the moment, no matter if it's an old fav or a book I haven't read yet. Anything goes, and lots to pick from. I'll try to do some of the challenges, tweet & cheer on Twitter other participants, and as always, have lots of fun!
So, happy reading everyone!!!
Opening Meme
1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?
~ At home, in Skopje, Macedonia.
2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?
~ Neil Gaiman's The Sleeper & the Spindle (I've been saving this one especially for the read-a-thon).
3) Which snack are you most looking forward to?
~ The delicious caramel & chocolate truffles I made. I barely stopped myself from eating them all this morning, and yes, that's how I started my day today. ^_^
4) Tell us a little something about yourself!
~ I'm still addicted to coffee, I used to read a lot, but lately not as much, so hopefully this will be the push I need, and I used to review books a lot on my blog, but I haven't been doing that, and I'm hoping to get back to it, though my attempts so far have been unsuccessful, I've probably gotten lazy lol
5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to?
~ No goals at all this time ;)
Update #1:
So, a third of the read-a-thon has passed, so I thought it's time to share my progress. I read 4 books so far: The Bear Who Couldn't Sleep, As Time Went By, Who Framed Jean Moustache? & The Sleeper & the Spindle. It might sound like a lot, but they're all shorter reads, and they're all illustrated, and most important of all, I enjoyed them all, and I'm happy with the way the read-a-thon has been going so far for me. I also started & read 40% from Maisey Yates' Tough Luck Hero and I'm hoping to finish it before the end of the read-a-thon, though I'll probably read something else, too. It's always good to mix it up ;) Beside the opening meme, the only other challenge I did was Operation: Quotation!.