Once again, it's time for Dewey's 24-Hour Read-a-Thon.
As always, the read-a-thon for me starts at 2 pm on Saturday, and ends at 2 pm on Sunday.
And this will be my 12th time participating.
I've been thinking about what I'll read, and what I'll eat, and if I should set any goals, and I kept changing my mind, but at this last second (while I'm writing this post), I decided to just read as much as I can, and whatever I decide at the moment, and my only set goal is to read at least 6 hours!As for what I'll be reading, I have quite a lot shorter books (both on my kindle & on my bookshelf) I might read, as well as longer ones, and I might even re-read a favorite one, so lots to choose from, but I didn't make a list of possible reads!So, that's it! I'll update this post with my progress & probably some challenges I'll do!
I hope everyone will have a great time, so HAPPY READING!!!!!
Introductory Meme:
1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?- As always, from my home in Skopje, Macedonia (that's in Europe).
2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?- To be honest, I don't have one, but I'm looking forward to re-reading something by Neil Gaiman (my most fav author), as well as reading something spooky (I'm in a mood for that right now).
3) Which snack are you most looking forward to?- My homemade delicious ice cream. Usually, for the fall edition of this read-a-thon, I can't buy one (they don't sell it here anymore when the weather gets cold), but I've found that it's the perfect thing to wake me up in the night when I start to get sleepy, so this time, I made it myself ;)
4) Tell us a little something about yourself!- I just turned 29 last Monday (can't believe I'm 29), I adore caramel sauce (caramel ice cream & vanilla ice cream with caramel sauce, yum [see #3 lol] & I've been blogging since 2009, though this year I've been procrastinating, so I'm hoping to get back to it any day now (maybe this read-a-thon will be the push I need)!
5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to?- Well, last time I made a list of books to read for the read-a-thon, and I didn't track the time I've spent reading, and I had no goals, and this time, I don't have a set list of books to read for the read-a-thon, I decided to count the time spent reading, and my one & only set goal is to read at least 6 hours!
Cover Escape Mini Challenge:
The moment I read what the challenge is, I knew I had to find a book with a beach cover, and a beach under moonlight, yes, please! I'd love to escape there :)
Mid-Event Survey:
1. What are you reading right now?- Dead Boy by Laurel Gale.
2. How many books have you read so far?- 5 books.
3. What book are you most looking forward to for the second half of the Read-a-thon?- The Brigadier's Runaway Bride by Erica Ridley.4. Have you had many interruptions? How did you deal with those?- Yes, I had. I just did what I had to do, and as fast as I can, so I can go back to reading.
5. What surprises you most about the Read-a-thon, so far?- I really like the different challenges. They seem especially fun.
Recommendation Train:
To a reader that loved Neil Gaiman's The Ocean at the End of the Lane, I recommended A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness. Also, I listed one of my Gaiman reads as my fav, too.
4 Seasons 4 Books Mini Challenge:
Update #1:
At first, the read-a-thon didn't go as planned (there were some interruptions), but even after all that, I'm actually quite happy with everything that I read. Ok, they're all childrens books, but it was more than I expected. So far I read:
The Neil Gaiman books were all re-reads, and I loved them all over again. I also started a couple of other 2 books: Dead Boy by Laurel Gale (40% read - I'm returning to it right away) & Seaside by Wylde Scott (20% read). So far, the time I've spent reading is 3 h 11 min!
Update #2:
I finished reading Dead Boy, and this book actually turned out amazing & unexpected, and I loved it! I also started reading The Brigadier's Runaway Bride, but now it's time to get some sleep. It's almost 7 am here, and I need some rest, at least a few hours, and then I'm planning to read again. Time I've spent reading since my previous update is 2 h 41 min, and that makes a total of 5 h 52 min, so I'm pretty much done with my only goal.
Wrap Up:
I'm late with the wrap up, but it was a great read-a-thon for me! I reached my goal (read for about six and a half hours), read the 6 books mentioned aboth, as well as read 20% from Seaside & 80% from The Brigadier's Runaway Bride, so they both together make another book ;) And did plenty of challenges as well, and of course, I'll participate again :)