Mar 11, 2013

"Timeless" by Gail Carriger

Title: Timeless

Author: Gail Carriger
Series: Parasol Protectorate #5

My rating: 5 of 5

(Book read from my own copy from March 5th to March 6th, 2013)


Alexia Tarabotti, Lady Maccon, has settled into domestic bliss. Of course, being Alexia, such bliss involves integrating werewolves into London High society, living in a vampire's second best closet, and coping with a precocious toddler who is prone to turning supernatural willy-nilly. Even Ivy Tunstell's acting troupe's latest play, disastrous to say the least, cannot put a damper on Alexia's enjoyment of her new London lifestyle.

Until, that is, she receives a summons from Alexandria that cannot be ignored. With husband, child, and Tunstells in tow, Alexia boards a steamer to cross the Mediterranean. But Egypt may hold more mysteries than even the indomitable Lady Maccon can handle. What does the vampire Queen of the Alexandria Hive really want from her? Why is the God-Breaker Plague suddenly expanding? And how has Ivy Tunstell suddenly become the most popular actress in all the British Empire?


My Thoughts on the Book:

When I picked up Soulless in 2010, I had no idea what I'm in for! Yeah, I've seen it around, and steampunk was my new found love at the time, so I had to read it, and I was totally surprised by it. It was highly entertaining, laugh-out-loud funny, with lovely characters, fun romance, good mystery & even suspenseful, but in a fun way ;) After that although I read books 2-4, and although I enjoyed them, (after all they're all quite entertaining), I didn't realise actually how much I love all of those characters until I re-read Soulless last year :) Because although not perfect, they all got themselves a special place in my heart  :) And after all the ups & downs in books 2-4, Timeless was everything I could've wished for & more, and I absolutely loved it :) Along with Soulless, Timeless is my most favorite Parasol Protectorate book! 
So, Timeless continues a few years after the events in Heartless. Prudence now it's up & about, and she's everything we could've expect a child of Lady & Lord Maccon to be, that's also raised by Lord Akeldama :) I absolutely loved her! She was fun & sweet & cute, and quite the troublemaker :D I'm absolutely dying to see what she'll be up to in her spin-off series (at least I'm almost sure the Parasol Protectorate Abroad will be about her, after all the 1st book title should be Prudence). And dear old Lord Akeldama, as always he was such a delight to be read about, it was lovely seeing him in a role of a "father" - lovely & highly entertaining & laugh-out-loud funny! Next - the amazing & lovable Biffy! Through the series Biffy became one of my most fav secondary characters in the series. I definitely didn't expect that at the beginning of the series, but in the previous books I both laughed & cried with him, and I was hoping for something about him in this book, I was actually expecting it, and yay I got it, and he got it, and I was really happy for him. But, I have to admit there was one thing I didn't quite expect near the end, so that was a pleasant surprise, but everything worked out for the best! Of course there's Professor Lyall, another of the characters I love, I was both sad & happy for him, too. Also, there's Ivy & Tunstell, as always they're hilarious & highly entertaining, and I totally didn't expect that ending for them, but it was actually perfect, big surprise, but perfect HEA for them ;) Of course the one character I never got a liking for was back - Madame Lefoux. I don't know why, I can't quite put my finger on what it is, but I just never could connect to her, care about her or like her. Yeah, we can't like all of them but I guess I find it really surprising, because all of the other characters in the series, both main & secondary, I found them all quite lovable, but not Madame Lefoux.   
And now a little bit about Conall & Alexia. I absolutely love these two as a couple. They're just so sweet & lovable & charming together, and there was plenty of romance between them in Timeless, something that lacked a little in the previous books, and I was really happy with this. I mean, as always, they made me laugh & smile, but they even made me cry. Yeah, I'll admit it, I bawled my eyes out for the first time in the series at one point in this book. It's just that what happened was so sad & heartbreaking, and I couldn't believe it that the author will do that to us & end the series in that way (she really got one over me, I can't believe it) and so I was crying & crying, but I continued reading, and then other things kept happening, and I was both laughing at what was happening at the moment & crying because of what happened before, so that was definitely a first - laugh & cry at the same time :) So, great job, Gail! I was just so wrapped up in the story & the characters, and everything was so entertaining, and I couldn't stop reading, and yeah, I loved every second of it!
As for the story and everything that happened, some things I expected (and hoped for), some things were surprises, but overall it was pretty good, and it wrapped up the series in a lovely way & perfectly, and the only way they all could've get a HEA. So, yeah, I was quite happy with the outcome, and if you've enjoyed the previous books in the series, I know you won't be disappointed.   

If you love fun & entertaining historical romances or/& if you love fun & entertaining paranormal romances, then I highly recommend the Parasol Protectorate series, because I think you would enjoy it. And of course if you love steampunk, too, I recommend to give the series a try, because it's quite entertaining. As for me, I have the Finishing School series to look forward to for now, and then the Parasol Protectorate Abroad, because I will be definitely reading Gail Carriger again, because her writing style & her characters are one of the most entertaining, and of course I want more!


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