Mar 4, 2013

"Black Heart" by Holly Black

Title: Black Heart

Author: Holly Black
Series: Curse Workers #3

My rating: 4.5 of 5

(Book read from my own copy on March 1st, 2013)


In a world where Magic is illegal.

Cassel Sharpe has the most deadly ability of all. With one touch, he can transform any object - including a person - into something else netirely. And that makes him a wanted man. The Feds are willing to forgive all his past crimes if he'll only leabe his con artist family behind and go straight. But why does going straight feel so crooked?

For one thing, it means being on the opposite side of the law from Lila, the girl he loves. She's the daughter of a mob boss and getting ready to join the family business herself. Though Cassel is pretty sure she can never love him back, he can't stop obsessing over her. Which would be bad enough, even if her father wasn't keeping Cassel's mother prisoner in a posh apartment and threatening not to let her leave until she returns the priceless diamond she scammed off him years ago. Too bad she can't remember where she put it.

The Feds say they need Cassel to get rid of a powerful man who is spinning dangerously out of control. But if they want Cassel to use his unique talent to hurt people, what separates the good guys from the bad ones? Or is everyone just out to con him?

Time is running out, and all Cassel's magic and cleverness might not be enough to save him. With no easy answers and no one he can trust, love might be the most dangerous gamble of all


My Thoughts on the Book:

So, I finally read the last book in the Curse Workers trilogy - Black Heart! Yeah, after almost 2 years since I read Red Glove, it was definitely time to read it, although I really didn't want to say goodbye... Black Heart is a great ending to the trilogy! The story continues and we see how Cassel & the others cope with everything that happened in Red Glove. Poor, sweet Cassel - I love this guy as a character, and it seems his troubles never seem to end, but I guess it goes with the type of worker he is, and I love that after everything he's been through, he doesn't give up, and he still wants to help the people he cares about.  
His relationship with Barron is repaired in a way, and I loved seeing that at the beginning. To be honest, I had forgotten how big of a sociopath Barron actually is, I really liked him in this book at first, but then he showed his lying ways once again when it comes to Cassel, I started to dislike him again (although in the end when it was necessary, he helped his brother), and in the end when everything was said & done, I only felt sorry for him. I mean, yeah, he's a sociopath, but I still felt sorry about everything he'll never have...
Now, I really liked the interactions between Cassel & Lila. I really wanted for them to get their HEA & they were just so sweet together, I loved it, especially after they confessed everything they should've said to each other long time ago, that was done perfectly & I loved every second of it...   
As for the story, it was pretty good, although the last 3rd of the book was the best a.k.a absolutely amazing. From the moment I started Black Heart, I couldn't put it down (I read it in a day), I just had to know what will happen next, and the last 3rd of the book until the end was quite suspenseful. So, some things I  saw them coming, some I didn't, but I loved the journey, 'cause this book was fun, sad, full of intrigues, suspenseful, and full of characters you can't help but care for & want for them to get through this (whatever that "this" is at the moment in the book). As for the ending, it was great & I think it was the only way that the trilogy could've end, and I was really happy with it :) There were actually some "questions" that were left opened in a way, so if the author decides to return to their world, she can, although as Holly Black herself says, this is the last Curse Workers book, and she doesn't plan on another one, but if she decides to return to this world full of magic, con artists & mobsters, she can, and I will definitely love to read that, but even if she doesn't, I'll still be happy, because everything wrapped up nicely.   

So, in the end, do I recommend Black Heart & the Curse Workers trilogy? Absolutely! The Curse Workers trilogy is definitely one of those different YA series, and I highly recommend it, even if you're not a fan of YA, I think everyone would enjoy these books!


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