Mar 12, 2013

"A Witch in Love" by Ruth Warburton

Title: A Witch in Love

Author: Ruth Warburton
Series: Winter Trilogy #2

My rating: 4 of 5

(Book read from my own won signed ARC from March 4th to March 10th, 2013)


Anna still finds it hard to believe that Seth loves her and has vowed to suppress her powers, no matter what. 
But magic - like love - is uncontrollable and soon, Anna is being hunted. 
Abe wants Anna to embrace her power, while Seth is pushing Anna to accept that his feelings are real. She finally does ...a moment too late. Suddenly, it's like the Salem witch trials all over again: burnings, torture and faceless judgements.
In the face of the ultimate betrayal, who will save her?


My Thoughts on the Book:

A Witch in Love is a really good sequel of the great debut A Witch in Winter. The story continues 6 months after the events of A Witch in Winter. The Ealdwitan decided to left them all alone, as long as Anna doesn't do any magic on the outwith. So, Anna decides not to do any magic, but that only backfires, because the magic has to get out...
Seth & Anna are happy & in love, so obviously lots of romance in this one ;) They're quite sweet together. Bran is still against the relationship, and I had good idea why, and I was right.   
Finally, on her 18th birthday, she learns more about her mother, and so she decides to find out what exactly happened to her & to find her family, and she manages to track down her grandma. But, suddenly Anna starts to get threatening messages, and this time not from any witches...
Of course Em & Abe are here again, I love those guys as characters. I am really sorry about Abe, he's such a sweetie & he's been through so much, and I love the way he fights for those he cares about, he's amazing. The same goes about Em, she's such an amazing friend. As for Anna & Seth, they're both great characters, too, and I liked them a lot & their heartbreak was my heartbreak, too. I love how the author made me care about all the characters. There weren't a lot of surprises, most of them I guessed, but the ending was one amazing, unexpected, thrilling & heartbraking event. The way it was executed was amazing, and it made me want to pick up A Witch Alone right away, which I actually did ;)

So, do I recommend A Witch in Love? Absolutely! If you enjoyed A Witch in Winter, you'll probably enjoy this one, too, so I recommend it a lot!


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