Feb 19, 2013

With All My Soul Mini-Reading Challenge!

So, the ending to the Soul Screamers series is near...

I have to admit that I'm dreading it a little. I know it will be amazing & awesome & I can't wait to read With All My Soul to see how it will end, but at the same time I dread it because I know it will be heartbreaking, both the book & saying goodbye to the characters, so it will be tough.

But, thankfully, Rachel @ Fiktshun is here to stop us - especially me - from postponing reading the last book by hosting the With All My Soul Mini-Reading Challenge :)

For more info & to sign up, visit the sign up post HERE!

The goal is to read & review With All My Soul by Rachel Vincent between March 19 & April 30.

Wrap up:

I totally waited until the last moment of this challenge to read With All My Soul, and if it wasn't for this challenge, I probably still would've postponing reading it still.

My review: With All My Soul

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