Feb 26, 2013

"Mr. Real" by Carolyn Crane

Title: Mr. Real

Author: Carolyn Crane
Series: Code of Shadows #1
Publication date: October 30th, 2012 

My rating: 4 of 5

(Book read from February 25-26, 2013, from a copy received for review from the author through NetGalley in exchange of an honest revew.)


He finds the girl of his dreams…with the secret agent of his nightmares.

Alix Gordon is a woman who doesn’t take life too seriously. What’s the fun in that? So when she stumbles across occult software that can bring any computer image to life, she conjures up lots of awesome outfits and accessories. And then, on one drunken, horny night, she conjures up Sir Kendall, the sexy TV ad spy . . . who looks exactly like Paul Reinhardt, the super-sexy martial arts teacher who kicked her out of class three years ago.

Fighter Paul Reinhardt has good reason to hate Sir Kendall, the character he brought to life to land a part in a TV ad; he’d do anything to forget him. A cross country road trip seems just the thing . . . until Paul finds himself inexplicably drawn to Minnesota and is shocked to discover Sir Kendall - in the flesh - with the girl he’d once loved from afar. He barges into Alix and Sir Kendall’s love nest, determined to stop the madness - somehow.

But is superspy Sir Kendall transforming into something more dangerous anyone can imagine? And what will Sir Kendall do when Paul and Alix finally give into their mad lust for each other?


My Thoughts on the Book:

I know, I know, I should've read this months ago, but hadn't gotten around to it. But, when I finally started it yesterday, I couldn't stop reading it! Mr. Real is fun, humorous, fast-paced & entertaining read that will keep you glued to the pages (or in my case the screen) until you finish it :)
The story was both what I expected, and what I didn't expect :) I definitely didn't expect Sir Kendall's PoV, he was so silly, yet so smart lol and his PoV, as well as Alix & Paul's PoVs were definitely a perfect combination for the story!    
The way the author mixed the fantasy elements with the reality & the idea of the story itself was quite entertaining & original :) But, it wasn't all fun & games (although most of it was). Paul's story about his past & the way Sir Kendall was actually created was just so sad & heartbreaking :( both for Paul & for Sir Kendall.   
The characters were all really likable, even Sir Kendall in the end ;) Paul & Alix were really sweet together, when all was said & done :) Some of the things were predictable, some definitely weren't, so there were definitely some twists & turns, but you will definitely enjoy the ride! The ending scenes were definitely a surprise :) Also, I loved the point one of the characters made  about wishing fictional characters coming back to life in reality, so in the future, think again ;) 
Mr. Real is a mix of lots of genres, like fantasy & romance & suspense & spy novels & even paranormal. So, if you're a fan of any of these genres, but with a good dose of humor in it, and you're in a mood for an entertaining read, then this is a book for you, and I recommend it a lot!


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