Feb 28, 2013

"Catching Jordan" by Miranda Kenneally

Title: Catching Jordan

Author: Miranda Kenneally

Series: Hundred Oaks #1

My rating: 2.5 of 5

(Book read from February 18-19 for a read-along)


What girl doesn't want to be surrounded by gorgeous jocks day in and day out? Jordan Woods isn't just surrounded by hot guys, though-she leads them as the captain and quarterback of her high school football team. They all see her as one of the guys and that's just fine. As long as she gets her athletic scholarship to a powerhouse university.

But everything she's ever worked for is threatened when Ty Green moves to her school. Not only is he an amazing QB, but he's also amazingly hot. And for the first time, Jordan's feeling vulnerable. Can she keep her head in the game while her heart's on the line?

My Thoughts on the Book:

I'm definitely in the minority when it comes to this book. I know how much everyone loves it, every review I've seen about it has been really positive, and I didn't really had any expectations, except for it to be a fun YA contemporary, and yeah, it was a fun read, but only an ok read for me, nothing special.
At first I really liked it, it was really fun, and I enjoyed it, although I didn't love it. Sam & Jordan's other teammates were really likable & fun characters, and yeah, they were really funny, and I liked a lot the friendship between them & Jordan. As for Jordan, I liked her, too, at first, but as the story progressed, my enjoyment in the story decreased, and I found Jordan really annoying. Ok, since my reviews usually are spoiler-free, and if I start talking what annoyed me & which actions & decisions of the characters annoyed me, I'm afraid I might start to rant a little, and I don't want to do that, since this wasn't a bad book. I wasn't a big fan of Jordan & Ty, it was a little too insta-love, or maybe I should say insta-lust, and one of the things that annoyed me was the reason why Jordan stayed with Ty later on in the book.
So, there were some things I liked, some things I disliked, and it was a fast read, but if it wasn't for the read-along, I probably would've put it aside for some time, and return to it some time in the future (because I rarely give up on books). But, as it was for a read-along (and I actually almost forgot about the read-alongs this month) I kept on until I finished it (although I took a break & read another book inbetween).
So, do I recommend Catching Jordan? I wasn't a fan of it, but I think that you should read it  yourself & see, because so many other bloggers & readers loved it. In the end it comes to this - how much you'll connect to the characters? I really couldn't connect to the characters, I wanted to, but I just couldn't, so it was ok read, but nothing special, but I might try another book by Miranda Kenneally, to see how that one will go ;)


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