Feb 26, 2013

"All Those Things We Never Said" by Marc Levy

Title: All Those Things We Never Said

Author: Marc Levy

Original Title: Toutes ces choses qu'on ne s'est pas dites

Language Edition: Macedonian

My rating: 4 of 5

(Book read from my own copy from February 13-14, 2013.)


A few days before her marriage, Julia receives a call from the private secretary of her father. Anthony Walsh - successful businessman, but distant father - will not be able to attend the ceremony. For once, Julia has to admit that he has a perfect excuse: he's dead.

The day after the funeral, Julia discovers that her father provided another surprise: undoubtedly the most extraordinary journey of her life ... and perhaps an opportunity for them to finally say all the unsaid things

My Thoughts on the Book:

So, Marc Levy has done it again! All Those Things We Never Said is another amazingly crafted story that will take you on a journey through the present & the past, so I guess this makes it both contemporary & historical (it features a real historical event) with a touch of romance & fantasy. I guess compared to some of his other books, it's not as amazing, but it was really lovely & sweet, and in the end I still found myself that I've fallen in love with this book and it's wonderful messages, which always make Marc Levy such an amazing author. Yeah, I absolutely love his writing style, and his wonderful stories, and All Those Things We Never Said isn't an exception. This book will make you laugh (it was funny), will make you cry (it was sad), and will make you smile at it's sweetness & loveliness :) 
I don't want to talk about the story, because that's not possible without spoiling it, but if you enjoy unique stories with likable characters, that will keep you wrapped up in it wondering what will happen (or happened) next, then this is a story for you & I can't recommend it enough!


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