Jan 11, 2013

"The Assassin and the Underworld" by Sarah J. Maas

Title: The Assassin and the Underworld

Author: Sarah J. Maas

Series: A Throne of Glass prequel novella #3
My rating: 4 of 5
(novella read on January 11th, 2013)


When the King of the Assassins gives Celaena Sardothien a special assignment that will help fight slavery in the kingdom, she jumps at the chance to strike a blow against an evil practice. The mission is a dark and deadly affair which takes Celaena from the rooftops of the city to the bottom of the sewer —and she doesn’t like what she finds there.


My Thoughts on the Novella:

The Assassin & the Underworld is another great prequel novella, but the previous 2 novellas should be definitely read before reading this one. Arobynn - the King of the Assassins - is one evil, heartless & vindictive dude - I totally hate him, you have no idea how much. I already thought he was an a-hole, but he's even worse then that. This novella starts when Celaena finally arrives to Rifthold from the desert. I really enjoyed the story, but it wasn't as great as the previous one, but I guess it was actually a set up for the last novella & what happens next. I'm already sad thinking about it, since I've already read Throne of Glass, so I know a few things that will happen. But, back to the novella, I still loved Celaena as a character, although she was a little naive & a little blind, though I guess she didn't want to see it, so I felt a touch of irritated, but only a little. And I totally have the biggest crush on Sam, I just love him so much, he's such an amazing guy & such an amazing character, and the way he treats Celaena made him totally swoonworthy in my book, and I'm not one that swoons easy & often :D 
I love that Sarah J Maas has worked so much on the backstory of her characters, so they're all well-developed. Now I see why I loved Celaena the moment I met her in Throne of Glass, and reading these novellas makes me want to read it again!

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